About Us
This website has been developed by organisations of peasants and small farmers, together with partners from academia from Eastern Europe and Central Asia, to allow everyone to:
• promote the UN Declaration for the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas - UNDROP, to inform the rights holders, the decision makers and all concerned citizens;
• better understand the rights of the peasants and other people working in rural areas and how these rights can improve the livelihoods of the rights holders and their capacity to feed rural communities, their countries, the world;
• recognise the role that peasants and smallholders play to ensure food security and achieve the Zero Hunger Goal and how UNDROP can be used to enhance this role;
• understand how a rights-based approach helps improve food and agricultural public policies;
• identify where the rights of peasants and rural people are already being implemented through national or customary law and promote these good practices.
This website is specifically focused on the process of implementation of UNDROP in Eastern Europe and Central Asia but it can also be beneficial for peasant communities and decision makers from all over the world.
The materials from this website were produced under the project Enhancing policy-making on rural development and smallholder support through the UN Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028. The project was developed by the Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO REU) and Eco Ruralis association from Romania.